Some Workshop Goodies!…oh and some candy!

Hey everyone!

I am slowly getting back into the swing of things after a few months of….well how to explain…’s been a mixture of things, it started with a very stressful period of home life. Things just build up and up and before you know it you don’t handle things too well and you don’t seem to be in control of anything!! Things were staring to settle when we had a few weeks of flooding (See previous POST), and then the major flooding that wiped out a local town, Grantham. Things are still not good there. People are still missing with a huge possibility of not being found at all, the clean up is still happening and it is absolutely amazing how far spread the debris is. It is still lying all over farmers crops and paddocks, roads, railway and well just everywhere, not to mention the damage to the roads, rail and properties. Things that will take at least 6 months to fix or replace. Grantham is still a “no go zone” for the general public except trucks, heavy equipment, SES, Police, Army, Volunteers and of course traffic control ( hi Theresa). 

I want to thank all of my long time followers for sticking by me and sending me words of love and encouragement through the rough times. Even when my crafting time nearly turned non-existent people joined as followers to my blog. I now have 142 subscribers in the short time I added the subscription tab right down on the bottom right. Two of them joined today! WOW! Now I just have to get back on top of my blogging…LOL!! No I promise I will!! I’m being serious….just ignore previous claims of more regular blogging….which didn’t happen….I know, I know, but I am feeling good about this one! Just to prove it I think I will send one of my cards to the 150th person who subscribes to this here blog! LOL! I’m not sure if that proves it but it’s a good start. I will even let the 150th person choose the one card from a selection of three…how does that sound?! Now your probably just wishin’ those three cards were as good as Karen Thomas’s !!!!! ROFLOL!!! I will keep you all updated on how this turns out!

So onto my creation

I’m not sure if you recognise this but on the front of the Sale-A-Bration catalogue there is this gorgeous card. I simply fell in love with it. I didn’t have the appropriate stamps so I improvised. This card will be the project at tomorrows party. {Waving at you Deeann} I am sure they will love it!

I even have some table candy for them, full of chocolate eclairs, of course-

Well I best be going. I still have much to do!

Thanks for dropping by!

Workshop Antics!

Hey everyone!

I held a workshop last Thursday night and I took photos!!! Can you believe it?! I have proof that people actually do attend my workshops. I just cannot believe I have not taken photos until now! Some of my objects were a little apprehensive about having their photo taken and sometimes hid behind pieces of cardstock or other people (waving at you Laura H) LOL!

So here is a pic of the girls and the project they liked making the most on the night.

I suppose you would like some close-ups of those fabulous projects!! LOL!

Here you go

As you can see the workshop was based around the Top Note die. The girls had heaps of fun and I think I have them all head over heals in love with Naturals Ivory! Hehe! I wonder how many of you I have drooling over this awesome CS??!

Well I have heaps of projects to get organised so I best be off to get them done!

Thanks for dropping by

New Mini Catalogue!

Hey everyone!

Well it’s that time of year! It is new catty time! Have a look!

If you would like a closer look at it, just click on the mini catalogue in my sidebar and it will download for you!

I would, however, like to share some information with you all about the new products that are available inside. It is sooo exciting!

That’s right…you are not seeing things!!! We now have the BIG SHOT plus an awesome range of Stampin’ Up! exclusive dies, embosslits and textured embossing Folders. These are only available through Stampin’ Up! I have been having sooo much fun with this machine and the dies. I am loving the pillow box die. It has cut prep time down in a big way! I am just so excited about this product.

Also included in the new catty is the CLEAR MOUNT stamps plus acrylic blocks to use them with. It is still the same quality red rubber that is used on the Wood Mount sets. The backing instead has a cling property to attach to the blocks. There are also stickers to make it easy to identify each stamp. The stamps come in a case the same size as DVD cases. This makes for easier storage.

But not too worry, if you still like the wood mounts that is fine, you have the option of clear or wood mounted stamps. Isn’t that fabulous!!!

Isn’t that bird sooo cute??? These are the NEW STYLE PUNCHES! They are still the same quality as our other punches. They are designed and built by the same company! They are even easier to punch with  and are much slimmer and can be stored in the standing position to save on even more space. Just fabulous for the crafter with limited space!! The Extra-Large Two-Step Bird punch is the one I used on the scrap page for the Catalogue Launch I held Thursday night. Everyone adored this punch and commented on how easy it was to use.

If you would like your very own copy of this gorgeous mini EMAIL ME and I can have one posted to you. If you already have a demonstrator contact her as I am sure she/he would be very happy to get one to you!

Thanks for dropping by!

Autumn-Winter Mini Catalogue Launch!

Hey everyone!

Well it’s that time of year…..time for a new catalogue! I am very excited about this one. It has some very awesome stuff in it! I am having my launch tonight and I just wanted to show you a couple of things that I have made for the event.

First off the table favour for all attendees!

Too cute!! Don’t you think?? I have used the new Big Shot dies Little Leaves and the Pillow Box. This has made this little project so quick and easy to make. Rather than hand cut and score each box individually I put a couple of sheets of cardstock through the Big Shot all at once with the die and stick together with one piece of Sticky Strip and voila!!! A very cute little gift box. I put some MINI eggs inside…suits the occasion don’t you think?? LOL!

Here is the scrap page the girls will be making-

I think they will love this new punch. The extra-large two-step bird. It punches the bird, wing and branch all at once. Just so cute!!! But that’s not all! There are some very cute new stamp sets and you now have the option with some sets to get them in clear mount. They are a little cheaper than wood mount, you just need an acrylic block to mount when stamping. We are also supplying them. They are very good to stamp with. I have been playing heaps!!LOL!

If you would like your very own copy of the new mini email me  and I can have one posted to you directly. If you already have a SU demonstrator, just contact them and they will be very happy to send you one!

Thanks for dropping by!


Hi all!

I am showing you today two cards that are in my upcoming workshop. They are very simple but very effective and if I might also add…..too cute!

I think I may have over edited the first card and the colour is a little off. It is meant to be Pink Passion. The second however, is Pacific Point. I also used BG stamps. Polka Dot for the girl and Sanded for the boy.

I still have more to create so I best be off and get them done in between all the school activities of course.

Thanks for dropping by!

Some scrappin!

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to show you all a Scrapbook LO I did using the flowers that Dawn McVey did a tutorial about on her blog a little while ago. Aren’t they just the sweetest?!

Here is a close up of the darling flowers

I have also decided to hold a workshop on this LO. If you live nearby Gatton and would love to do this workshop, contact me for further details.

Thanks for dropping by!

Circle Scissor Plus Workshop!

Hey everyone!

I had another fabulous workshop last night with the girls, and as the title suggests we made everything using the Circle Scissors Plus.

Take a peek-

Just a quick and easy card with different sized circles and a little stamping. But wait there’s more-

and a couple of close ups-

The ultra cute purse is so fun and easy to make. I got the idea from Julia. You have to check out Julia’s version….so cute! I made a card to accompany the purse to turn it into a gorgeous gift set. The girls had lots of fun making it and using the Circle Scissors Plus. Which by the way is in our current Summer Mini Catalogue. If you would like more information on this very useful tool, email me.

I will see you all again later with the return of the Inkspiration Challenges! So excited about this, as I’m sure all you guys are too!

Thanks for dropping by!

Summer Mini Launch update!

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to update everyone on my Summer Mini Launch, which is tonight….Yippee! I get very excited at Launches…LOL! Well you all know we are making the Snow Globe card. We are also making a couple of gift boxes. Have a look-

These particular boxes are pictured in the Summer Mini. They are heaps of fun and dead easy to make. The little pink pouch doesn’t even require tape or Sticky Strip to construct. The girls and guys will enjoy this workshop for sure.

My youngest had a great day today. It is the second last day of school and they are having a huge party today. To start off they performed a play for the parents and Grandparents. My little angel Akayla played the part of Mary. Take a look-

Isn’t she just gorgeous?! It was very exciting and I got some great pictures.

Anyhoo! I better get back and sort out the last-minute details of the Launch.

Thanks for dropping by!

Summer Mini Launch!

Hey everyone!

Well! I have to tell you guys about my saturday first! I went to Brisbane to watch the New Moon Movie (swoon) with my upline Madonna, her friend Claire and a few teenagers. I had an absolute blast and enjoyed the movie very much. Whilst visiting Madonna though, she showed me this awesome card made by Roxy. Roxy also put a video tutorial together. You have to check it out.

Well I loved it so much it and enjoyed creating it even more that it has inspired me to create it and incorporate it into my Summer Mini Launch! I hope you girls can all make it-

  • When– 7pm, Thursday, 3rd December
  • Where– Senior Citizens Hall, North St, Gatton
  • WhatSummer Mini Launch. You will make three projects (snow globe included)
  • Cost– $15
  • R.S.V.P– 1st December

Tea, coffee and nibblies will be included.

Have a closer look at this fantastic card-

and of course all shook up-

Isn’t it adorable?! I just love it! Well best be off to create more projects for the night~

Thanks for dropping by!

Friday Night Workshop!

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to let you all know about the workshop I am holding this Friday night. Here is a pic of the goodies you will make-


Here is the information you will need if you are would like to attend-

  • When– 6pm, Friday 20th November
  • Where– Senior Citizens Hall, North St Gatton
  • What– Stocking Stuffer and matching Christmas card
  • Techniques– Embossing, Faux Stitching and punching
  • Cost– $12
  • R.S.V.P – 18th November

Tea, coffee and nibblies will be supplied.

So if you think you would like to come and have some fun stamping, creating and meeting new people then email me and book your spot asap.

Thanks for dropping by