Best Dad Birthday!

Hey everyone!

Before I show you todays delicious stamping eye candy I just wanted to thank everyone for their well wishes for a happier 2012 for the Brown family on my last post. I wish you all a fabulous and prosperous 2012 as well. I plan on making this year less stressful. I am going to cut back on some things and do more of others. I just have to figure out exactly what those things are! LOL!

I know one of them would be to join another DT because I am already missing Inkspirations. I love challenges. So I am going to keep my eye out for that one.

Speaking of challenges the card I am showing you today was the last card I made for Inkspirations but we finished with challenge #100 this one was #101 and it was a colour challenge. Wild Wasabi, Early Espresso, Marina Most and Whisper White

I love this combo! I am also very happy with how this one turned out. Hopefully my dad will like it too.

Another challenge I have set my self is to get back into my scrapping a bit more. I miss my scrapping nights and hope to restart them. There is nothing like getting together with other scrappers and spend a night a week scrapping into the wee hours of the morn. A lot of chocolate was consumed on those nights. LOL! Maybe that’s what I am missing?! hahaha!

Anyway thanks for dropping by!