Christmas in the Country Craft Show 2013!

Hellllloooo lovelies,

It’s been a long time since I last posted and so much has happened. I just don’t know where to start…….well firstly I should say that I am in a happier place with Cash’s untimely death. It still hurts of course, and still a shock, but it’s like they say, time heals all wounds. I have decided to have his hair made into a bracelet so I will have some of him with me always. Just have to find a designer I like.

I have continued my workshops from home and it’s been wonderful meeting new friends and customers in our new hometown. Plus catching up with current ones from my old hometown who make the big trip up to attend my workshops. They are true diehard crafters who love my workshops and who have turned into some of my best friends.  They attend every fortnight and I look forward to it every week. We always laugh til we pee!!! Love you girls!!

If you have been following me for a few years you would know I do an annual craft show in Gatton, the Christmas in the Country Craft Show. Every year I think I won’t do it the next, due to time and other responsibilities, but I always juggle it so I can make it happen and I am never disappointed. I meet and make new friends, catch up with old friends and share my passion, papercrafting, with them all. Plus make some great money for Christmas. I spend a lot of my earnings on buying from other stalls there. Just gorgeous goodies, a lot of it one-off products, for my loved ones for Christmas. I have a few photos to share. Not too many,  I’m sorry I just ran out of time to take singular shots of all projects. I made quite a few different projects this year. A lot of them were made on my Silhouette Cameo……I’m so in LOVE with this machine LOL!

Before I get started please be aware if you choose to make and sell things created on the Silhouette make sure you purchase a commercial licence for each design you plan on selling, not all designs in the Silhouette offer this so check before you buy. I bought some designs from the Silhouette store and quite a few from SVG cuts. You can create and sell anything you purchase from SVG cuts, but you obviously cannot share the file you download to create these projects with.


To begin with I started on Pinwheels. They have been very popular lately and I decided to come up with some working ones. They were super cute and fun to make. Kids love these, and as it turned out so did adults. I must say my gorgeous hubby helped with the design on this one. He has a love of engineering and manufacturing.


I only made one of these and the following designs as they were very involved creations, but were very popular.


This is the stash I had put together in about one month. Lots of hard work in there.


For three months this is what my desk looked like, sometimes messier. LOL!


I made a few of these canvases again this year. They were quite popular and easy peasy to make.


Another favourite this year was the roses.


Just some more roses……


This year I opted for two tables as I was getting quite crowded with only having one and this year saw many new designs. I hope to have the two tables every year from now on.


Table #1


With close ups….










Table #2


and of course with close ups….




All of those photos were taken just after I set up. I hadn’t even finished and another stall holder bought some of my goodies and didn’t make it in the final photos, but that’s okay, I ‘m just glad she loved those roses so much, that she couldn’t walk out the door in fear that they wouldn’t be there on opening night. I made heaps of those roses but they just disappeared every time I turned around. LOL!

Now I best be off to get creating and designing for next years Christmas in the Country Craft Show.

See you there!


Christmas in the Country Craft Show 2012!

Hello everyone!

Long time, no post! It has been a crazy few months here in the Brown household. I must confess at this point, about 2 months ago I was seriously considering stepping down as a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator (that’s how crazy it got). A lot of factors were in play as to the reason for ceasing my role. The worst I think was when I had a very bad party/workshop experience. I had never met such a rude bunch of ladies. So bad in fact I drove away from the event crying vowing never to do another party and to date I have kept that promise. I also lost inspiration for new fun and creative ideas to do at my regular workshops/classes. Basically I felt I had done all I could do with my Stampin’ career. I also didn’t know whether I would be taking part in the BIG annual Christmas in the Country craft show I always attend.

I think though the fact that we had a lot of changes at home in regards to David starting a new career, which resulted in him being away for a week at a time, and my youngest starting school, which resulted in me taking on a lot more volunteer work at the school with tuckshop, uniform shop and in class work., has also been a factor in my near demise of being “Kirsty Brown Independent Stampin’ Up! Dempnstrator”.It was so bad in fact that until last week I hadn’t ordered anything out of the brand new Stampin’ UP! catalogues, which released in September. Hopefully my new goodies will be here early this week and I can have a good play with some fun new stamps.

Well as you can tell by the title of this post I did go ahead with the Craft Show and I have lots of pics to share of the event (something like 16 of them). I had a very similar display to last year but with loads of new projects. Take a look

So that’s it! If you are a liker of my FB page you would have already seen these over the past few days, as this event started Thursday night and finished Saturday afternoon. I am so glad I decided to do this event as I met a whole new bunch of ladies who would like to attend my workshops/classes and would love to learn how to create all the things they had seen at my stall. Not to mention the fabulous sales I had. This event is actually the main fundraiser for Peace Lutheran Primary School to which my children attend so it is quite special to me and I hope my stall has done them proud and made lots of money for them too. To all those people close to Gatton, you really should come check it out next year, it is absolutely fabulous with the best the valley has on offer. I always find fabulous Christmas gifts here every year, and everything is handmade. So I will see you next year!

Thanks for dropping by!

Christmas in the Country Art & Craft Show!

Hi everyone!

Most of you know what i have been up to lately, some of you don’t. For those who don’t, I have been extra super-duper busy creating lots of fun projects and creations for an annual Craft Show that is held here in Gatton. It is the major fundraiser for the school my children attend and it is quite a big event. It starts with an opening night (which includes some absolutely divine nibblies and drinks), and then followed by two jam-packed full days. I have taken some photos of my stall at the event and then for all the other demos out there with up and coming fetes and stalls I will share with you what and how! LOL!

I must say my hubby made me the best display board known to man-kind……wait til you see it!

Okay photos….

This is the best photo I could take of the whole stall. My good friend Anastasia made me a gorgeous table cover and matching bunting (which you can see on the display board). Speaking of the display board. I went to Spotlight to purchase the material they call WonderWall. It is that lovely soft fabric that velcro sticks to beautifully. But upon finding this fabulous stuff I found it was 1.2 metres wide and $39.95 /m. As much as I wanted this stuff I just couldn’t pay this, especially being so close to Christmas. I need at least 2 metres as well to make this large display wall. I decided to go to Bunnings. What I found was Utility carpet (I say carpet loosely, it was quite thin). It is usually used in the back of utes and inside caravans. It wasn’t as soft as WonderWall but velcro stuck to it like stink on a skunk, LOL! PLUS it was 2.4 metres wide and only $19.95/m I bought two metres and got double the amount of material for half the price. The added bonus was hubby had heaps left over to make me two 28″ x 28″ easel boards to use at workshops. I’m so very profesh now!! LOL!

Hubby made a light weight pine frame and staple gunned the material on and attached two eyes so I could hook it onto the pegboard. The cabinet, chicken wire frames and racks were wired on and my name, bunting and flowers were velcro on. The flowers are similar to the ones in the catalogue, but instead of using the Build a Blossom punch I used the Blossom Party, Fun Flowers dies and some flower punches to create them. Much easier to put together. I took this photo before I used chalk on the little chalkboard on the top left.

More photos….

My cards fitted beautifully into this old soft drink crate. I am so very lucky to have a wonderful and generous friend who let me use some gorgeous display items. The crate being one of them. The little timber park bench beside it is something I bought at a local giftware store. it is super cute! In front of it is a little mini crate I also bought from that store and it was the perfect size for decorated gift jars.

These two cute enamel bowls that held my little key ring notebooks were also borrowed. And the little chicken wire basket beside it was something I bought from Party Lite. It used to hold a big brick candle, it is now a useful display item. I clipped my decorated jumbo clips on it and had matching key ring post-it note books in it.

The two white bookshelf cubes I bought a few years ago from Crazy Clarks. This was and still is my sons toy box. They usually have those bright coloured baskets in each cube. I found I could fit more goodies on my table if I had tiers and shelving. Plus goodies being at eye level was also advantageous. I used these for my gift boxes, Christmas crackers and decorated frames. You may have noticed the magnetic “to do” lists on the side of the shelving….well my hubby cut up an old washing machine, hot glued it to the side of the shelf so I could display them. Isn’t he super clever?!

My mini notebook holder was a three-tier shelf with drawers. I pulled all the draws open and stuffed it with shredded brown paper (the paper we get in our SU order boxes), I also put this paper in the white cubes. No special reason. It certainly looked the part anyway. Above that is an old fruit crate. I just tipped it on its side and it was a perfect size for the mini milk cartons. At the very bottom of the photo you can see the decorated jumbo paperclips. Some of them anyway.

In this tray I had the Ferrero Rocher gift boxes. With the Ferrero’s of course LOL! Plus a very cute cake stand for a decorated frame.

Just in front of my silly face pulling hubby is an old stationery box. I put my catalogues, business cards and large notebooks inside this.

This is a great piece of display furniture. It is an ex-display shop unit I used it for all the pre-packaged goodies, including embellishments, bookmarks, and money slips. I also used the shelving top and bottom by placing my retired stamp sets on it. What I love about it is that it spins.

That pretty much covered everything, except this wasn’t all of the projects displayed. With most of it I only displayed one of. The rest was under the table stored in underbed rollers. When an item sold I just replaced it until I ran out completely. There were a couple of “one only” items. Mostly being the frames.

I have been asked by a lot of people what was popular and how I priced everything. I will list the things that were popular for this particular event as this was not wholly and solely a papercafting show. It specialised in all sorts of hand crafting from quilting, beading, crocheting, mineral make-up, jewellery, woodwork, soaps, folk art, chocolate, knitting, sewing and so on. So it what was popular here may not be popular elsewhere. But I will say that stocking stuffers were the most popular.

  • Gift Boxes incl. #2 box, mini milk cartons and fancy favor. They loved acetate boxes and the Christmas themed boxes especially Rudolf. But do other themes as well, like Frankenstein. People liked them for birthday boy gift boxes.
  • Mini post-it note key rings
  • Decorated jumbo paperclips
  • Mini notebook key rings, I used the 2 3/8″ scallop circle, Full Heart, Fancy flower punches and the larger full butterfly on the Beautiful butterflies die.
  • Small notebooks with matching decorated pen (these are the ones with the fun flowers on the front)
  • Pre-packaged embellies (esp. the bird and owl ones)
  • Ferrero Rocher Boxes
  • Magnetic “to do” lists

The ones listed above either completely SOLD OUT or I was left with one or two. I am not saying that all the rest didn’t sell at all, they did, the above list was the most popular. Most people were looking for stocking stuffers and teachers gifts, so if you keep this in mind you should be on a winner! LOL!

Pricing your goodies is hard and is not a precise science with hand-made goods. It depends on what you used. You have to, of course, work out what the projects costs are to create it. You also have to take into account your stall cost. I also added a little more to cover the percentage the school was taking of my sales. As long as you price above your costs, you should be fine. As nice as it would be to add-on your time to create your project, it’s not always going to work. I would also look at my individual project and think about what I would pay for such an item.

For example my little Post-it note key rings-  They cost me .30c ea to make. I came up with a price I would pay and then made sure that price covered the takings by the school. With a lot of items you can tack on a little more. It depends on the item. I charged $1.50ea ($2 would have been a good price also) for these cute little things and they were an absolute hit. They were the cheapest thing on my stall and they all sold like hotcakes. Another example- The decorated jumbo paperclips cost me .60c ea to make and I charged $2.50 ea. They also sold out. I think if you just be realistic about your prices your things will sell well. I would rather have someone say “I would have paid more for that item” than “Holy Cow that’s expensive!” Quite a few had said they would have paid nearly 50% more for my gift boxes and were very happy with the price that was on them they decided to buy more. I of course was very happy. My costs were covered with at least 60%- 70% profit on most items. With the bigger items that wasn’t possible. For example the frames. One of the frames cost $11.70 to make. My price for that item was only $15. After the schools takings I barely broke even. But that is the problem with the bigger cost items. If you try to put 60%- 70% on top of that it is just too expensive and people won’t look at it. You can always drop prices if things are not shifting. Just don’t go below cost!

I am just blabbering now! LOL! It has certainly been one very long week, full of workshops, classes and one awesome Craft Show. I am beat.

I hope my info has helped you somewhat……..oh one more hint- Move things around on your stall. As crazy as this sounds it worked. I found when I put something in the place of something that sold very well, that item also started to sell well. I called it the “Sweet Spot”. It’s the spot your eye is drawn to, and it is usually the dead centre of the table. Give it a go….you will be quite surprised! LOL!

Thanks for dropping by!

Craft Show Creations!

Hey everyone!

It’s that time of year again and in a few short weeks I will be holding a stall at the Christmas in the Country Craft Show again here in Gatton. There are the most gorgeous handmade goodies you have ever seen at this event and is well worth the trip. I buy a lot of my Christmas presents here. There is always something new and exciting every year to look at and buy. Some absolutely talented crafters in every medium have their best work for sale and it is also the amin fundraising event for my kid’s school.

I thought I would share with you all today a sneak peek at what I will have there at my stall. And I mean a sneak peek. It is nowhere near what I will have on offer that day.

First up Bookmarks.

These little cuties were in our last Stampin’ Up! Impressions Magazine. They are so simple to create and I made a heap of them. Here are my two faves so far

I am loving the monster one. They couldn’t all be girl based,  I had to have some for boys you know, and I am currently working on a design for the older boys. Great Christmas gifts for teachers and dads.

Next I have some new embellishment packs designed with the Builder Owl punch

Some super cute reindeer’s with Santa and the next one I think is my favourite

Some super adorable monster embellishments. Use these on your cards or scrapbook LO’s. I am also working on some other designs I will let you know how I go.

The next lot of creations were lots of fun to make. I have seen these fabulous top note box creations getting around for quite a while. I found lots of Inspiration form two sites in particular for these. Gretchen Barron and Tammy Beaver are both very clever and actually have tutorials to sell and some are even free. You must check them out. They are both super talented, and I am totally in love with Tammy’s bunny! LOL!

The Christmas ones

How suoer cute are they?!

Next the Easter ones

Adorable aren’t they?

I have also made one Halloween one for now but I have plans for more so keep your eye out.

I have heaps more to do like put handles on them and I am currently on the look out for some plain dark coloured wire to use. Anyone have suggestions?

I have also been doing some more altered frames which are super cute if I say so myself! LOL! I will show you them soon too.

I best get back to it, I have a little helper here today with Tonsillitis so I better make the best of it! HAHA!

Thanks for dropping by!

I’m still here!

Hey everyone!

I must admit…..I have been a slack blogger these past weeks! But I will also admit I have been one very busy little girl, and I have a doozy of a blog post to share with you all!

I will start with the scheduled post of mine that didn’t publish. It was my submission to the Inkspiration Challenge #85. That little post disappeared into cyberspace and never to return!! LOL! So I apologise for any inconvenience for this little mishap.

I wasn’t totally happy with my card and after I completed it I was like “Oh, I could have done this” or “This would have looked better”. LOL! I have a lot of cards like these, but you know what? It is growing on me. I used one of our new 2011-12 In Color’s, Pool Party and a new Stamp Set available to hostesses only, Ain’t Love Grand, plus one of our new punches, Lace Ribbon Border. This past week a heap of new goodies have arrived on my doorstep and I will show you what I have created over the next few days.

Next up I have some pics of my Catalogue Launch……all three of them. LOL! I held two in Gatton and one in Toowoomba. All one day after the other, the only way to go. I don’t think I got any pics of event number three but it was similar to event number one!

The first one was at my home in Gatton-

The next was in Toowoomba-

As you can see I used the same samples for each, but they look so different in each environment. My little tree was a hit, and you might recognise it from the new catalogue. I didn’t get my new order in time so I made do with what I owned and created similar cards to suit. I totally enjoyed these events and so did the girls. I failed miserably to get shots of the girls from Gatton, which I am sure they are happy about lol, but I did get some of the Toowoomba girls, bar a couple of shy ones!! LOL!

Okay the last event is the doozy, the hum dinger, the event of all events. The Brisbane Papercraft Festival. It is a three-day event at the RNA Showgrounds, which is usually held in February but due to the floods earlier this year was pushed back to September. My upline Madonna Dunn was the coordinator behind this and did an awesome amount of work to make this happen for us. Thanks Mads! I only managed to do one day out of the three but I was able to spend a full day with Mads previous to the event to make a heap of samples. It was agreat day too, lots of side-splitting laughter and food (thanks Mark)….oh and some crafting!

Here is a pic of the display-

Isn’t it fabulous?! I Love the big butterfly colour display, that was Mads creation. You might even recognise my little butterfly tree in there too.

We all took turns at demonstrating, talking and helping with the make and takes. My demonstration was on punch art. I made some cute owls and flowers. It seemed to be popular and people were looking at the Owl Builder punch in a whole new way! I also got to meet some lovely ladies who, would you believe it?, love to stamp. I love that.

Anyhow, that’s what I have been up to. Now I hope to sit down for a few days and create madly with all my new goodies! Would you like to see my stash?? What a silly question.

Any requests?? LOL!

Thanks for dropping by!

Are you owled out yet??

Hey everyone!

Today I received my preorder…OMG!!! I am super excited about it. I have ideas that I want to put into use straight away but I don’t think that will be possible because there are too many floating around my head. Oh well! One at a time should do it.

I haven’t had a play yet though because as soon as my boxes arrived I had to hop off to Toowoomba with my friend Sandy for her Wedding Dress fitting. I am so excited for her, and oh my she looked gorgeous!!! But it’s all hush-hush, so I have no pics for you. My daughter Akayla will be her flower girl and she is super excited about that. She loves dressing up as a princess. So be ready to be bombarded with gorgeous pics of my girl late September.

While out we also went to Officeworks to bind my new Stampin’ Up! Catalogue. It is divine ladies….wait til you see it. A bit off subject but while there I picked up a real bargain. They had a huge lolly like dispenser but instead full of different clips, mini fluro pens, animal rubber bands and so forth. You could fill up a plastic container for $4.99 It was great! They had these super cute magnet clips and I got two containers full. LOL! I will have a play with them and show you the results, but I see them as something really useful, not to mention cute!

Okay so I have something to show you all! I told you I have been playing with the owl punch, so here are the results

Aren’t they adorable? As you can see I made some pirates, cowboys/farmer, pigs, sheep, cows and just some pretty girl owls! LOL!

Here’s a close up of my favourite one. The pirate peg leg captain.

These are all packaged up ready for the Craft show I am attending in Gatton in November. I have so much I want to do, I hope I get it all done.

So I best get off of here and do some more.

Thanks for dropping by!

I’m Knackered!!!

Hey everyone!

Well, I’m sore, tired and dire need of an awesome foot massage but I had an absolute blast at the “Christmas in the Country” Craft Show. I took heaps of pictures of my own stall and I thought I would share them with you all!

So what do you think? Some pretty cute stuff there hey! The notebooks were a huge hit. I sold all the ones I made and that was 13 of them! They just walked out. So did the pre-packaged birds they were very popular and I only came home with about three packets. I started with around 30-40 of them. All the Christmas Compendiums were popular of course and so were the Ferrero Rocher gift cards. These photos were taken Friday morning after opening night. A lot of my goodies went the first night so on Friday and Saturday I sat behind that table and made even more goodies. In the end it was going faster than I could make them! LOL! Don’t you just love that!

Anyway I am on my way to a BBQ tonight so I best get ready!

Thanks for dropping by!

Christmas in the Country……here I come!!

Hey everyone!

Well tomorrow night is the start of the big craft show that happens here in Gatton every year! It an awesome event and I am so excited! Can you tell?! LOL! I did want to pop on here and show you something I made for the event and it would have to be my favourite piece!

What do you think?

Isn’t that candle scrumptious looking?

Unfortunately I cannot hang round and chat! I have heaps more to do before tomorrow!

Thanks for dropping by!

Tea Box!

Hey everyone!

I am currently getting busy creating for an upcoming Craft show. It’s the Christmas in the Country Craft Fair that is held annually and is the biggest fundraiser my children’s school. It is a fabulous event and if you live close by come check it out on the 5th and 6th of November.

This is a super cute box and measures 4″ high and 3 1/2″ wide. I played with some brand new goodies too! Fleurettes 2 and the Beautiful Wings Embosslit. I made up a solution of water and Riding Hood Red Ink in a container and soaked the crocheted flower in it. I waited 24 hrs to let it dry and adhered to the box with Tombo Mono Multi Glue. I am just realising how good this glue is after I have just run out of Sticky Strip! LOL!

I am also working on a different coloured one with a tea bag slot in the front. I will show you when I get it finished!

I just have to show you all some photos I took of Darcy yesterday. We are experiencing a lot of rain at the moment and our driveway has become a slushy mud pie…….and my son loves it!! Every day he has gone out there and played in the mud on his bike and this is just a taste of what he looks like when he charges back inside……

EEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! I cannot stand MUD!! The funny thing was when he got off his bike he was walling around stiff-legged, LOL! All that water and dirt must have been mighty uncomfortable!

Thanks for dropping by!

What a FABULOUS weekend!

Hey everyone!

Yep! That’s right I had a fabulous weekend at the craft show! I met a whole heap of new people, not just customers but also other stall holders. I forged some awesome friendships this past weekend and it was very exciting!

Here is a few pics of my cute little stall




Next year I will have a bigger stall with room to play and show some techniques to some people! I must admit it was a learning curve and I can only improve it from here!

Thanks for dropping by!