Inkspiration Challenge #74

Hey everyone!

It’s Inkspiration time again! This week is a colour challenge –

I have to admit I have been sitting on these colours for a while. I thought I would work ahead in the challenges, but these colours were stumping me. I actually made quite a few creations in these colours before I settled on this one. I think I just wasn’t in a Melon Mambo mood! LOL!

I do like this one, even though I made up my own exotic flower, I actually pulled out the Fifth Avenue SS. This is something I haven’t done in a long time.  The stamens in the middle of the flowers would have looked nice in So Saffron though, don’t you think?

Well I hope you like the end result anyway! It’s the best I could do…..LOL!

Don’t forget to check out the rest of the DT and submit your creation over at the Inkspirations Challenge Blog!

Thanks for dropping by!

Workshop Antics!

Hey everyone!

I held a workshop last Thursday night and I took photos!!! Can you believe it?! I have proof that people actually do attend my workshops. I just cannot believe I have not taken photos until now! Some of my objects were a little apprehensive about having their photo taken and sometimes hid behind pieces of cardstock or other people (waving at you Laura H) LOL!

So here is a pic of the girls and the project they liked making the most on the night.

I suppose you would like some close-ups of those fabulous projects!! LOL!

Here you go

As you can see the workshop was based around the Top Note die. The girls had heaps of fun and I think I have them all head over heals in love with Naturals Ivory! Hehe! I wonder how many of you I have drooling over this awesome CS??!

Well I have heaps of projects to get organised so I best be off to get them done!

Thanks for dropping by