Workshop Antics!

Hey everyone!

I held a workshop last Thursday night and I took photos!!! Can you believe it?! I have proof that people actually do attend my workshops. I just cannot believe I have not taken photos until now! Some of my objects were a little apprehensive about having their photo taken and sometimes hid behind pieces of cardstock or other people (waving at you Laura H) LOL!

So here is a pic of the girls and the project they liked making the most on the night.

I suppose you would like some close-ups of those fabulous projects!! LOL!

Here you go

As you can see the workshop was based around the Top Note die. The girls had heaps of fun and I think I have them all head over heals in love with Naturals Ivory! Hehe! I wonder how many of you I have drooling over this awesome CS??!

Well I have heaps of projects to get organised so I best be off to get them done!

Thanks for dropping by

Inkspiration Inspiration Challenge #17

Hey everyone!

This week challenge was a toughie for me! I kept thinking that the SS Bird on a Branch would be perfect but alas I do not own it! Isn’t that always the way?! So I had to put on my thinking cap. Oh my that hurt!! LOL! I decided I would turn my submission into a Dinner Invite. But first take a look at the challenge pic-

Here is my interpretation-

What do you think? It is very simple, but that is the idea as they are invites and I like to keep them simple. The colours are Chocolate Chip, Creamy caramel and Whisper White. The stamp sets used are Fifth Avenue Floral and Sincere Salutations. I used my Choc Chip marker for the border and it was drawn free hand {note the crooked lines LOL}, but I like the effect.

To get more creative juices flowing here are the links to the rest of the DT

I’m sure they will have something fabulous for all!

Thanks for dropping by!

I have gone Art Journal MAD!!


Hey everyone!

Yep! That’s right I have officially gone MAD! When I start something new I have trouble moving onto something else, until I’m sick of it that is. I have two more Art Journals to show you……I hope you like them!


I love these books. They are so easy to decorate and your crafty side can just go wild!

Here is a closer look at the pink one-


and of course the blue/grey one-


This is the first time I embossed onto DSP. It’s no different to embossing on cardstock, but I just love the mix of the pattern and embossing. Like double imaging if you will. I used the big bloom out of the Fifth Avenue Floral SS and clear embossed it. It looks absolutely beautiful in life. I might even keep it for myself….hehe!

Oh well heaps more to do for the up coming craft show….so better get moving.

Thanks for dropping by!

Funky Tri Shutter Card!

Hey everyone! I have been very busy today making this gorgeous, ultra divine, melt in your mouth pumpkin soup that my good friend Theresa taught me. Oh my Gosh!! It’s to die for. Not only that she pointed me in the direction of this ultra cool card called a Tri Shutter Card. I found it on the Splitcoast site under Weekly Challenges, Try a new technique. On that thread there is a link to Bonnie Szwalkiewicz’stutorial for this awesome card and also a link to the gallery of all the Splitcoast entries. Go have a look. There are some awesome cards there. That’s enough chatter, on to the card.


This is it open and front view the next one shows a little of the cards design. It does shut flat but I didn’t get a piccy of that….sorry!


All the other photos are just close ups of accents


Yes I did cut the grass from Inspired by Nature…..and yes I know I’m insane…LOL!



Well that’s me for today. I was going to do more on this card but thought no that’s enough. I have to stop somewhere right?? I hope I have now inspired you all to make one of your own..hehe

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Thanks for dropping by!

Fifth Avenue Floral!

I loved Ange Kelly’s card so much I wanted to do one!


The colours I used are Chocolate Chip, Sahara Sand and Kiwi Kiss. I also used Kraft CS. This was another card I had on display at the Launch last Wednesday night. Oh I cannot express enough how much fun I had that night. I even received a lovely Easter gift from fellow demonstrator Anastasia (special hello to you). It was very yummy Anastasia. Thank You! I definitely was not expecting any gifts.

I hope everyone enjoys the Easter holidays. I know I will!

Thanks for dropping by!