Everything Eleanor!

Hello everyone!

Everything Eleanor would have to be my favourite stamp set out of the 2012-13 SU catalogue. It is simply gorgeous. It has a variety of solid, silhouette and line art images. I love this sort of variety, very similar to Elements of Style and Creative Elements, which you all know I use a fair bit of both of those sets. So really is it any surprise?! LOL

I had a play with two cards using the same colour combo but mixing it up.

I think this is my favourite, but I always have loved red flowers.

After creating them and sitting back to have a look at them I realised that the birds look like they are ‘pooping’ the pearls. LOL!! It was not meant to look like that, I can assure you.

I also like the Natural Composition SDSP quite a lot and can see me using this a lot too.

So…..it has been a very long time since I have made a card and this one (two), could be my jumping block to get started again. We’ll see! So don’t be shy, what do you think of my ‘return from mega long card making holiday’ creations? Let me know which one is your favourite!

Thanks for dropping by!