So Grateful!

Hello everyone!

Again long time no post. I don’t know what to say, except I am just not feeling it anymore. I think it has a lot to do with time. I am hardly crafting anymore and I am not sure why. My youngest is now in school and I thought for sure I would have more time to create and play, but I seem to be taking on more things, like I am now working in the uniform shop at the kid’s school on Thursdays and I help out in class each week, sometimes twice. Hubby has also had a change of job which requires him to be away a week at a time and it doesn’t feel right to spend days crafting away. I’m hoping life settles into a rhythm soon that also sees me doing more at my craft desk.

I do however have something to share. It is a card I made for my last ever hostess.

A very quick simple creation, but that seems to be my style lately, lol! So quick in fact that I just coloured the image in with markers….No blending or watercolouring, just whacked those markers on there. I love it! I used Parlor Prints on the bottom of the card to break up the background. The strip of Red Riding Hood stitched Satin Ribbon looks great and creates a lovely border to the non-stamped background.

Thanks for dropping by

Inkspiration Challenge #83

Hey everyone!

It’s Inkspiration time!

I received my preorder yesterday so this was the perfect time to crack some new ink and stamps open. I even thought I would make a Christmas card. Very unusual for me as I always do those cards closer to the event. You know me….I’m a last kinda minute girl! LOL!

Anyway here is the sketch

and of course my creation

They are definitely not Christmas colours are they?! But I must say they are Merry and BRIGHT!!!

I have now given you a sneak peek into one Stamp set and three new colours. Aren’t they lush? I might even have more to show later.

Check out the rest of the DT over at the Inkpsirations Challenge Blog and don’t forget to submit your design!

Thanks for dropping by!