Inkspirations Colour Challenge #12


Hey everyone! Well we are back with the Inkspiration challenge after our brief intermission last week. I must admit I am sooo excited about the upcoming challenges. Must mean my mojo has popped it’s head back up for a visit, hopefully for a long time to come……lol!


I will say though when I saw this colour combo I was a bit concerned about red and pink together on the same card. It is most definitely two colours I would not combine. But once I had a think about it and had a image in my head of how the colours would balance well I was at it. How did I do, do you think I balanced them just right?



And of course some close ups-



You will probably recognise the box as Lauren Meader’s  design for “Tucked Away”, which the template to is available for purchase from My Timeless Templates at Papertrey Ink.  It is a very quick and easy box, and I am sure I will be making heaps more of them especially for hostess gifts or just a little thank you for that special someone. You can keep it simple or jazz it right up, what ever the occasion.

The card is very simple, but coordinates well with the gift box. I used a piece of acetate to cover the front of the card and stamped the leaf from the Petal Pizzazz set in Staz-on white. I adhered it to the Real Red CS discreetly hidden behind the So Saffron CS and the So Saffron Ribbon tied it to the top of the card.

Tucked Away Box

  • Stamp Set– Best Yet and Petal Pizzazz
  • Cardstock– Whisper White, So Saffron and Regal Rose
  • Ink– Real Red, So Saffron and Regal Rose
  • Accessories– ‘Tucked Away’ My Timeless Template, Regal Rose Grosgrain Ribbon, Spellbinders Nestibillities Labels Five, Curly Label Punch, 1 1/4 Circle Punch, White Gel pen, Dimensionals and Sticky Strip.

The Curly Q’s were made by cutting little strips of CS and wrapping them around a pen. You can make finer, or more curlier ones by wrapping them around and ear bud stem or something similar.


  • Stamp Set-Petal Pizzazz and Best Yet
  • Cardstock– Real Red, So Saffron, Regal Rose, Acetate and Whisper White
  • Ink– Real Red, So Saffron, Regal Rose and Staz-on White
  • Accessories– So Saffron Striped Grosgrain Ribbon, Scallop Edge Punch, Curly Label Punch and Dimensionals.

Don’t forget to check out the rest of the DT

We also have two brand new members join our team to replace beloved Karen. They both do fabulous gorgeous work, and I follow their work a lot. They are-

They will inspire you no end I ‘m sure. I hope you liked my take on this weeks challenge. I thoroughly enjoyed myself!

Thanks for dropping by!

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