Crazy, Mad Scientist Day!

Hey everyone! I spent the morning at my children’s school for Mad Scientist Day, and I just had to show you all this photo of my daughter……..


Now isn’t that the most scary thing you have ever seen? Oh my it was tooooo funny! All the other kids in her stage also looked fabulous! They had a parade to show off their costume and then went back to the classrooms for some MAD experiments!

Sorry for not having some craft to show but I just had to share!

Thanks for dropping by!

3 thoughts on “Crazy, Mad Scientist Day!

  1. Kirsty, this wins the award!! Hilarious, and look at those beautiful eyes, with those teeth. Now you need to create a super scrap page to put this in your album. Don’t forget tp share with us when you get it done. Sandi


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