So Blue!

Hey everyone! I had so much planned for the weekend just finished. Mainly housework and maybe some crafting slotted in when no one was looking….LOL! We got heaps done on Saturday. The mowing, a dump run, caught up on the washing, stripped beds and remade them….you know all that yucky stuff! Sunday I didn’t have a lot to do, so I was going to get it over and done with and then get stuck into the crafting. Unfortunately first thing in the morning I hurt my back. I was not doing anything strenuous, I just bent the wrong way and “TWEAK”. It has happened a few times to me, sometimes in the most inconvenient place like the middle of a shopping center. That’s another story! So in short, I’m in a little bit of pain and I hope it goes very soon. I hate being incapacitated!! ARGH! Nothing worse.

I thought I would however show you a full pic of the card I submitted to the Elite Challenge the other day. I’m sure you all need some eye candy right?!


Well I think I might go take some more Panadeine and see what happens!

Thanks for dropping by!

7 thoughts on “So Blue!

  1. hope you’re recovering from your pain. your card is absolutely gorgeous ….. what did you use to make the green mat behind the oval? I have seen it used on a few cards on a number of SU blogs but can’t seem to find it anywhere in the catalogue.
    Anyhoo thanks for sharing your talent.
    Manola xo


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