I still scrap…….

Yep that’s right! I just still haven’t got that new lens. So I annoy one of my good friends (waving at you Andrea), and borrow hers. I have a heap in reserve now so I will have lots to show you! Especially for Kolina. You are always asking me where my scrapping is…….


This is a LO I did for a workshop last month (hi girls), It is quite quick and simple but very effective and the girls enjoyed doing a boy page. You cannot see it but I used my mat pack on the red strip above the photos and I stamped the Sanded BG in Bordering Blue behind the title. I used a wavy ruler for the road and the white gel pen for the line markings. The girls really enjoyed it and we even had a girl version made. It was excellent (hi again Andrea). Pink Barbie car!!! I was very impressed.

Well I had better get on and do some work today!

Thanks for dropping by!