I’m Knackered!!!

Hey everyone!

Well, I’m sore, tired and dire need of an awesome foot massage but I had an absolute blast at the “Christmas in the Country” Craft Show. I took heaps of pictures of my own stall and I thought I would share them with you all!

So what do you think? Some pretty cute stuff there hey! The notebooks were a huge hit. I sold all the ones I made and that was 13 of them! They just walked out. So did the pre-packaged birds they were very popular and I only came home with about three packets. I started with around 30-40 of them. All the Christmas Compendiums were popular of course and so were the Ferrero Rocher gift cards. These photos were taken Friday morning after opening night. A lot of my goodies went the first night so on Friday and Saturday I sat behind that table and made even more goodies. In the end it was going faster than I could make them! LOL! Don’t you just love that!

Anyway I am on my way to a BBQ tonight so I best get ready!

Thanks for dropping by!