Birthday Pansies!

Hey everyone!

You are all probably thinking I have dropped off the face of the planet. Actually I probably have!! I have not been with it at all lately! My crafting has dropped right off and I am behind in DT obligations. So hopefully I can get my act together very soon! In the meantime though I thought I would show you a card I made for a special friend. She will remain nameless until I can verify that she has received it…. I know she is one of my blog stalkers! LOL!

Actually the person who I made it for inspired me  to make this creation……Oh DEAR!!  I just quite possibly gave too much away!! ……..Oh well!!….LOL! Just pretend you didn’t read that!

Thanks for dropping by!

8 thoughts on “Birthday Pansies!


    Thanks so much gorgeous girl – your card arrived in my mail box today! I am sooooooo excited to have another Kirsty creation in my possession! You are the best and it totally made my day! Luv ya!


    PS – its so fun being your stalker! lol


  2. Absolutly beautiful card Kirsty… (you lucky thing Karen.)

    Take care don’t let things burn you out, that you don’t enjoy what you do, because you are fantastic at it!!



  3. And here I was popping in to tell you my birthday isn’t until the END of MAY!! LOL. You *have* to stop using Petal Pizzaz though. Makes me want it more and more. I’ve already added inspired by nature since retreat!!

    btw: LOVE the card!!!


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