How many of you??

Hey everyone! I was just looking at my previous posts and have come to realise that I have been using a LOT and I mean a LOT of Organic Outlines. It has also been pointed out by my good friend Theresa! Thanks Theresa! This brings me to my next question, well a couple of questions-

  • How many of you are sick of seeing me use it? lol
  • How many of you have been inspired to buy it or use it more? and of course
  • How many of you have I converted?

Well in any case I hope I have given you many good ideas and heaps of inspiration! But wait! There’s more……lol! I have one more to show you and this one is the workshop I held last Friday night. They all enjoyed what they made too.

Here it is-



It is a very simple and easy double LO, with just a Whisper White base with cut out and layered Petal Pizzazz flowers, oh and a couple of lady bugs!   It was such a fun page to do. A couple of people changed the ink colours to suit their own photos and their work was amazing…..absolutely amazing.

Well that’s it for me today, I had better go and clean up after our huge garage sale! I am taking some stuff to Lifeline today, things like clothes, shoes and books, and just a general clean up. Hopefully we might have some time to have a drive down to the Botanical Gardens in Brissy today and have some family time. Don’t fancy my chances!

Thanks for dropping by!

Ladybug Love!!

Hey everyone! I do apologise for being missing in action for soooo long. But I have good reason but I will not bore you with the details….yet!!

Again my saviour, Theresa, for good mojo came by today and got me out of my non creating episode. She made this cute little adorable ladybug card and I just had to have one of my own. So I made one!

IMG_6958_1 Aren’t those bugs just the cutest?? Sorry about the quality of the photo. I always have trouble with red CS. Don’t know why! Here’s a close up of the bugs


I also find when stamping black onto a coloured CS that Staz-on is the best choice. The image is not as blotchy as basic black leaves behind.

Sorry to say I cannot stay and chat. I have a daughter displaying her “Special Talent” at school today and I have to take all her dance stuff in and get her ready. Maybe I will get some photos.

Thanks for dropping by!

Inkspiration Colour Challenge #8

Hey everyone! Welcome back for another awesome Colour Inkspiration from Makeesha! This challenge was, at first, a little daunting! Pink Passion is not something I work with often. I really should broaden my colour choices hey?? I am saying something like this every week! LOL! Here are the colours-


I used the butterflies as inspiration as well and made a little garden scene! Oh so cute!



What do you think? There was a lot of second stage stamping going on with this card. I wanted it to be a little more subtle. How do you think I went especially using these bright colours?  Well as it turned out I just couldn’t stop at one! Here’s another to get your inspiration flowing-


I wanted the little curly Q’s to be smaller, but I left it as it is. I don’t know what it is but I just love bright, vibrant colours on a white BG! What do you think of it?

Please check out the other DT’s entries. I’m sure they will have something beautiful to show as always.

And of course the creator of these lovely inspirations Keesh!

Thanks for dropping by!

Slider Card!

Hey everyone! I was over at Makeesha’s blog checking out all the inkspiration entries and there on make it Monday was a tutorial on the Slider Card that Keesh made in her Workshop WOWs, which I was in such awe of, I totally forgot to scribble down measurements. DOH! But thank goodness for Keesh! So I threw all my other plans out the door (you know like getting ready for a workshop), and got stuck into making one.


And here it is open-


I was going to do some more stamping where the sentiment is, but you know, it might have been over doing it. I tend to do that sometimes. Like when I cut the grass out from the Inspired by Nature set.

I clear embossed the Baroque Swirl in the background and stamped it again in just Sahara Sand on the centrepiece behind the main image. If you have any questions about anything else. Please just ask. Better yet go to Keesh’s Blog and look at the awesome step by step instructions.

Thanks for dropping by!

Inkspiration Inspiration Challenge #7

Hey Everyone! Can you believe it is Friday already?? It’s time again for Makeesha’s Challenges. I have had such a good week. I have been baking Choc Chip Cookies, Spinach, bacon and onion fritters…..and oh my gosh the most divine pumpkin soup you can ever imagine (thanks Theresa). I have even had time to make some bloody fantabulous cards….if I may say so myself…..better watch it though upline has warned me about getting what you call a BIG head. LOL!!

Anyway onto this weeks Inkspiration Challenge-


Isn’t that the most gorgeous duvet?? My girls were swooning over it when I showed them. Where did you find that one Makeesha?? I might even buy one for my bed.

Here is my interpretation of this inspiration-


I’m a sucker for layering and dimension. It just gives your card that extra oomph!! Don’t you think??

Here are some close ups-




Did you notice the hand snipped grass?? I also used the little bug out of bugs and kisses. Soo cute! I hope I have inspired you!!

  • Stamp Set– Petal Pizzazz, Bug and Kisses, Really Retro and Frames with a Flourish
  • Cardstock– Pink Pirouette Textured, Very Vanilla, Kiwi Kiss and Riding Hood Red
  • Ink– Riding Hood Red, Kiwi Kiss, Pink Pirouette and Baja Breeze
  • Accessories– Kiwi Kiss Ribbon, Riding Hood Red Button, Metal Clip, Crimper, Samj, Scallop Edge Punch and Dimensionals.

Don’t forget to check out everyone else-

Thanks for dropping by!

Kristina Werner CI #49


I missed the last challenge due to a huge workload, so I was itching for the next one! LOL! Are these colours bright or what?! I love them. It took me a while though to think of something appropriate but I think I hit the nail on the head. What do you think?


You probably cannot see it but I started on the base with some clear embossing with the Baroque Motifs swirl onto the Black CS. Here is a close up-


I love how this card turned out. I might give it to a special friend of mine! She deserves it. Always offering help and support. Great to chat with and share my secrets and woes with. Also helps me out of a lot of tight spots. I won’t spoil the surprise and tell you who it is now(she might be reading this right now)LOL! I hope she loves it!

Thanks for dropping by!