Inkspiration Sketch Challenge!



Hey everyone! It’s Friday all ready and time for another Inkspiration Challenge and this week is  sketch time. Have a look-


And here is my submission-



I did a very simple version of the sketch. This is my second attempt though. Just don’t ask about the first one. It was absolutely hideous. Let’s just say it will never make an appearance on this blog…LOL!

I love this stamp set, it is just beautiful. I love how it goes with Kraft CS. If I ever pick Friends 24/7 up I always follow it with Kraft. Not sure why! So what do you think? I’m happy with it because I saw the first one…LOL!

  • Stamp Set– Friends 24/7 and En Francais
  • Cardstock– Chocolate Chip, Tangerine Tango, Kraft and Very Vanilla
  • Ink– Versa Mark, Chocolate Chip, and Tangerine Tango
  • Accessories– Linen Thread, Aqua Painter and sponges

And of course don’t forget the rest of the DT-

I hope I have inspired you to go forth and create…LOL!

Thanks for dropping by!

Party Hearty!

Hello everyone! This is the scrap LO I am doing in a workshop tomorrow night after I have my Tupperware Party. See I’m not tooo busy. Got to love it though! I don’t think I could be anything else but…LOL!

I have also decided that I will show my double spreads seperated, so you can have a better look!



What prompted me to do this workshop is one of my fellow scrapping buddies {hi Kolina} asked {well actually begged me}, to do a cupcake LO! So every month I hope to have a scrapbook workshop for the girls, and I will ask them what theme they would like to do { I love these girls I tell ya}!

Thanks for dropping by!