Another Easter Workshop!

Hey everyone!

I couldn’t help it….I had to make some cute Easter goodies. My kids love these sort of designs. I do too!

Aren’t they adorable?! I of course took some closer shots for you all!

This one reminds me of one of my old Easter boxes I made last year. I put a 50g bunny and solid minis inside with some shredded paper. So very easy and just a teeny bit cute!

Of course I had to use the Mini Milk Carton too. It is simply adorable and reminds me of the Cadbury Cartons. Another very simple creation. I used the teeny bunny in the Nursery Suite SDSP to put on the box amongst the hand cut grass. A couple of the punched flowers from the Itty Bitty punch set and you have a cute little garden scene.

This one is just too cute! Can anyone have enough cuteness in their life? I got the idea for this creation from Theresa Anne Rafter She has some beautiful creations for Easter on her blog. Check them out!

Well that’s all I have to show you today!

Thanks for dropping by!