Inkspiration Challenge #89

Hey everyone!

I know I am posting this late….lets’ just say I wont be doing a scheduled post ever again! Not only did it not publish but it has disappeared like the last one. I’m not sure what I am doing wrong. I’m pressing all the right buttons. I just think there is some glitch.

But now that I have time to write this post up again I will.

This weeks challenge is a sketch one. I must admit I made a few different cards before I settled on one. Don’t get me wrong the sketch is not hard at all, I was just being super fussy! LOL!

Here is my creation

I drew inspiration from a card I saw at the Melbourne Convention. It was a very simple one layer card and I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it.

I used the colours Marina Mist, Cherry Cobbler, Peach Parfait, Pear Pizzazz and Daffodil Delight. I also used Basic Grey for the sentiment.

Don’t forget to check out the Inkspiration Blogspot to submit your creation and have a peek at the rest of the DT’s gorgeous submissions.

Thanks for dropping by!