Mongoose Redo!

Hello everyone!

I am sure you have all wondered at one point or other why my blog is called Kirsty’s Card ‘N Scrap if I never show the scrap!! LOL! Am I right? If you have been with me from the beginning you would have seen a fair bit of scrapbooking. But for the last couple of years this has been impossible. Yes, I have been scrapping but I have not had a smaller lens for my SLR to take the photos. My original lens was destroyed accidentally. So since then I have been taking photos of my cards with a zoom lens from across the room. LOL! But it was just to darn hard to take one of my scrapping and show some of the gorgeous little detail I am sure you would all like to see! So without further ado here is a page I completed on the weekend

The only Stampin’ Up! product used was the Scallop Circle Punch. Lots of different product was used so I won’t go into detail, but if there is something you would particularly want to know just ask.

I have been editing quite a few LO’s (some SU,some not), today so look forward to seeing them. in the coming week!

Thanks for dropping by!